President Trump is America’s Last Shot at Surviving the Left's Insanity

President Trump is America’s Last Shot at Surviving the Left's Insanity (6)

Semantics or Substance?


Semantics or Substance?

For President Trump, life is for the brave, the bold, and those who believe in American Exceptionalism. He believes in freedom, and fairness, so he exposes bias reporting. He believes in prosperity, so he deregulates government and cuts taxes. He believes in a second chance, so he signed prison reform. We as a country can focus on semantics, or we can focus on substance. The details of our current economic growth need not be discussed, as the results speak for themselves. Thanks to the man with the magic wand.

President Trump is Just What the Doctor Ordered


President Trump is Just What the Doctor Ordered

President Trump is what the West has lacked for more than 30 years. He is a leader who is fearless, a leader not beholden to political speak or special interest groups. America has not been economically poor for a very long time, though we are way down on morals. We have been convinced that making the government bigger and prosperous will level the playing field for everyone.

Redefining America


Redefining America

Do not forget to look repentant and say the right words when caught red-handed. Saying I lied is not fashionable anymore, misspoke will suffice. Redefine words when necessary as it depends on what is is; don’t stop there either, it goes for gender, too. A girl today and boy tomorrow.

Make America Great Again


Make America Great Again

In terms of wealth and prestige, no other western nation has been able to replicate what America has done for the common man, regardless of ethnicity or country of origin. Many have questioned the Make America Great Again (MAGA) slogan. "When was America ever great?" they ask, often to great applause by their left-leaning mobs. My question is, "When was Leftism ever great?"

Making a Great Country


Making a Great Country

The men who formed and fought to create this civilization we now enjoy were fearless men. Even in their often contradictory lives, they knew that they did a good thing, they made a great country. By today’s standard, just about every one of our founders would be called the names President Trump is called, and even worse. Do not forget, they did that to President Ronald Reagan too. The left is trying their hardest to convince Americans and the world that President Trump is a bad man in the worse sense.

Left Wing Talking Points


Left Wing Talking Points

"President Trump is xenophobic!" they cried. Never mind his wife is foreign-born and is only the second foreign-born woman to occupy a place in the White House in over a hundred years. "He called some Mexicans rapists!", "He wants a Muslim travel ban!", "He said of some women, if they like you, they will let you grab them by the p***y if you are rich, powerful and famous!"