The 21st Century Welfare State: Corruption of a People

The 21st Century Welfare State: Corruption of a People (5)

The Price Tag of Socialism


The Price Tag of Socialism

"Socialism is, in fact, a wonderful vision — a world of the imagination far better than any place anywhere in the real world, at any time over the thousands of years of recorded history." said Thomas Sowell. Forget universal health care as pushed by out of touch leftist Presidential candidates. Thirty-two trillion dollars is the price tag to implement this program, but it pales in comparison to losing our civilization. That is the path set by Socialism, the slow death of the life we now live.

Welfare State: The Aim of the Tempter


Welfare State: The Aim of the Tempter

Socialism has been around for most of human history. Eat of this fruit, and you will become like God, knowing good and evil. The aim of the tempter was for us to lose our individual identity, the very aim of Socialism. Karl Marx believed that the family was the power behind capitalism, so untangling the familial structure is critical to setting up a socialist state where the upbringing of children becomes a state issue.

Socialism Increases Government Control


Socialism Increases Government Control

Life, liberty, and property are not protected or respected under socialists’ principles or states. The more government program you depend on, the less you will own. Private property is what they seek to destroy by increasing government control over our everyday life, i.e., the Green New Deal and climate change hysteria, destroying life through abortion, liberty by removing our Second Amendment rights to bear arms, and property through state control.

How Socialist Policies Helped Demoralize Blacks

Do we love color more than what is right? Are you a victim, or are you free? Can freedom and equality exist? Are we a collective group, or are we individuals? In my book, Outcast-No Room at the table for conservative blacks in Black America, I wrote about how members of the Democrat Party, Liberals, and the Left through its welfare programs have demoralized, enslaved and subjugated the will of black Americans.

Socialism and the Human Spirit


Socialism and the Human Spirit

Socialism destroys the human spirit; it lays waste to civilization and brings confusion to societies. Is it the role of the family or the government to be providers? The purpose of government is to secure our persons and properties, not restrict our freedoms. Socialist policies attack our most basic instinct that all men are created equal with unalienable rights endowed by God.