Is John Bel Edwards A Law Unto Himself?

With a strange legal action, Governor John Bel Edwards is trying to shift the blame for his COVID-19 failure to a Baton Rouge pastor who refused to close his church.

There is enough information proving Governor John Bel Edwards’s lawsuit against pastor Tony Spell is based on a false premise, and his Declaration of the State of emergency was wrong-headed and used to attack the rights of citizens. He made a bad decision and due to his response, many Louisianans have died because they were denied early treatments and access to life-saving medication. Made worse, many were not able to be with their loved ones in their final moments. This is not a denial of the impact COVID-19 has had on our state or the world. However, he is using this lawsuit to deflect from his gross negligence in the handling of COVID-19.

This behavior is unbecoming of a public official. He should be removed from office. Here are some of the First Amendment rights he is violating with this lawsuit against Pastor Tony Spell:

Right to Individual Dignity

Section 3. No person shall be denied equal protection of the laws. No law shall discriminate against a person because of race or religious ideas, beliefs, or affiliations. No law shall arbitrarily, capriciously, or unreasonably discriminate against a person because of birth, age, sex, culture, physical condition, or political ideas or affiliations. Slavery and involuntary servitude are prohibited, except in the latter case as punishment for crime.

Freedom of Expression

Section 7. No law shall curtail or restrain the freedom of speech or the press. Every person may speak, write, and publish his sentiments on any subject, but is responsible for the abuse of that freedom.

Freedom of Religion

Section 8. No law shall be enacted respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Freedom of Assembly and Petition


Section 9. No law shall impair the right of any person to assemble peaceably or to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

According to John Bel’s lawsuit;

“Nearly 150 years ago, the United States Supreme Court recognized that the “professed doctrines of religious belief” could not supersede the “law of the land.” 4 Otherwise, “every citizen [would] become a law unto himself.”5 Spell disagrees with this fundamental legal principle. According to Spell, his “deep and abiding belief that he should assemble the [full] congregation for worship every Sunday”6 supersedes the Governor’s attempt to save lives in a pandemic.”

According to Louisiana Constitution, Article I.

Section 1.

All government, of right, originates with the people, is founded on their will alone, and is instituted to protect the rights of the individual and for the good of the whole. Its only legitimate ends are to secure justice for all, preserve peace, protect the rights, and promote the happiness and general welfare of the people. The rights enumerated in this Article are inalienable by the state and shall be preserved inviolate by the state.

Governor Edwards is the one behaving like he is a law unto himself. His actions are reminiscent of Pharoah when God told Pharoah to let his people go. It is time for John Bel Edwards to let his ego go. We are not a monarchy. No one made you king, John Bel.

Claston Bernard is a former LSU All-American athlete, a businessman, conservative activist and former congressional candidate.

The American Story

The American Story.
 By Claston Bernard


God made us in his image. He made us of one blood. Genetically we are 99.8 percent similar.
When I See the Declaration of Independence, I see the Genesis story. "In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth." Our Declaration of Independence, says “we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal with certain unalienable Rights.” Genesis 1:27- "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them male and female he created them."
Our founders knew that the recognition and protection of our God-given rights, life, liberty, and property was essential to a free society.  

Government has no right to dictate our God-given freedom. We cannot separate life from liberty without falling into tyranny
The tyrants always feel it is his moral duty to use force to compel us because of the common good.
For a free government, we need God, and Christian morality, for freedom and equality of opportunity we need Capitalism.
To maintain freedom government needs to be controlled. We must hold our elected officials responsible for what is written in our Constitution. The Constitution cannot enforce itself as it is ink on parchment paper.
The American struggle for independence was seen as a struggle for all humanity. The Conservative Construct of our Constitution is to preserve the ancient moral traditions of humanity and the belief in God. It recognizes that God's natural laws are self-evident and that freedom and property are linked and that we should all have equality before the court of law. The writers of the Constitution cautioned us that government long established should not be changed for light and transient causes.
The American story is beautiful, sometimes tragic, and even painful, however it shows how the hands of God have been integral in where we are today. It shows how good triumphed over evil over and over again.
As an immigrant, one of the greatest moments of living in this great country is to be called an American after obtaining your citizenship.
We have to have a common set of ideas that define who we are. Without a common identity, we will disintegrate into a tribalistic society. It is imperative we learn and understand how history and government shape our identity as Americans. History is for us to learn from, not for us to interject ourselves into.
The American story started when the Pilgrims came ashore in December of 1620. It was a belief in Providence that brought them to the Americas shores to practice their beliefs and raise their families. They tried communism, failed, and eventually recognized that in order for our society to succeed we needed a free market system, where rights are respected. The recognition of individual rights is the key to capitalism. It recognizes an objective good, a moral law giver as the standard of all rights. It forces men to strive for this on an individual basis.
Only the individual can decide what is valuable to him. Man must be free to discover this value. And Make choices about his family and livelihood.
The Free-Market system is the only place where this is possible where we can have an objective value to something.
Thanks to Adam Smith, he gave the blueprint to capitalism. The only moral system that recognizes our rights to our property as God's creation. According to Aynn Rand, Capitalism is the only system geared to the life of a rational being and the only moral political-economic system in history.
The founders knew that understanding of civics, history, and Godly principles were essential to the keeping of our Republic. As John Adams stated; our Republic is made for a moral group of people and is unfit for no other, General Washington our first president said, religion and morality are key pillars to our Republic’s longevity. Without a moral foundation, our Republic will cease to exist.
We have removed prayer from schools, the American story is being watered downed to promote Marxist revision of our history. The teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) is not the teaching of American History. CRT seeks to use the incidents of the past to attack white Americans and Western Civilization. Yes, history is to be taught in its proper context.
Yes, we had slavery and Jim Crow, but we had rebellions against the system of men stealing, and enslavement. Two rebellions come to my mind of men who understood their civic duties. Denmark Vessey in 1822 and Nat Turner's in the 1830s, these were men who knew that their liberty was God-given and to be enjoyed freely. As Abe Lincoln said, “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”
Those very rights the Pilgrims fled Europe to enjoy. We had a civil war that ended the ugly institution of slavery. We had marches, protesting segregation, led by Medgar Evers, MLK Jr, Malcolm X, and many others. MLK Jr. held up the Constitution as a promissory note and asked us to honor it. MLK Jr. asked that all men be treated as equal under the law and not be judge by their melanin content but by the content of their character. Frederick Douglass saw the Constitution was written for everyone. Many have tried to use the Constitution to justify their twisted and wicked agendas. However, the Constitution should not be judged by its abusers but by the truth claims it makes. 
It is our civic duty to teach students and immigrants their civic duty not just about voting, but about being informed voters and about their God-given rights. Having a healthy knowledge of history and civics will keep our Republic.
Thomas Jefferson wrote that education is important so that “everyman” can “judge for himself what will secure or endanger his freedom.”
I say this often, as an immigrant, the understanding of our Constitution gave me great confidence and honor to be called an American and to live the American dream. Frederick Douglass said, Yet the U.S. Constitution is a “glorious liberty document.” My love of America is because of my understanding of my civic duties and American history. Our Churches, schools and public life should reflect our culture and who we are as a people. The sins of the past should not be used to shame us, but to learn from in creating a more perfect union.


We All Know This is Tyranny.


We All Know This is Tyranny.

They smell blood and fear. Our enemies are waiting for the right moment to launch an assault to take us back to the dark ages. Why are we so afraid of dealing with the Russians? After all, that is where the evidence from special counsel Muller’s investigation has taken us, minus his atrocious press conference. The question I am now asking the Democrats and the never Trumpers including Rep. Justin Amash, now that the special counsel investigations are over, can we all move on?

The Hoax Elephant in the Room?


The Hoax Elephant in the Room?

Why has Congress not addressed the assault on our Democracy by Russia? Especially those in the House of Representatives who seem bent on impeaching President Trump for a fictional non criminal allegation? Do the Democrats in the House of Representatives believe that by starting an impeachment proceeding against our duly elected president, “We The People” think they're acting in good faith? Now the Democrats in the House of Representatives are using McCarthyism to go after the President's finances, families and associates in the guise of transparency.

An Assault on the Rule of Law


An Assault on the Rule of Law

Long ago we were warned of the grave threat the former Soviet Union, now Russia, posed to our democracy, by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Was this one of those moments? I would say yes. Incredibly, instead of dealing with the Russians, we have turned on each other. The Russians have succeeded in appealing to our enemies within while sitting back in stupendous awe as we self-flagellate; how proud would the former Soviet Union be?

Eroding Americans Faith in the Republic


Eroding Americans Faith in the Republic

Long ago we were warned of the grave threat the former Soviet Union, now Russia, posed to our democracy, by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Was this one of those moments? I would say yes. Incredibly, instead of dealing with the Russians, we have turned on each other. The Russians have succeeded in appealing to our enemies within while sitting back in stupendous awe as we self-flagellate; how proud would the former Soviet Union be?

The Plot to Destroy a Duly Elected President


The Plot to Destroy a Duly Elected President

In that very debate, it was claimed by candidate Clinton that if he got elected, candidate Donald Trump would be a puppet for the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. Such a profound statement was this by Hillary Clinton; what was she inferring that night? The New York Times headlines the next day, October 19, 2019, read; Donald Trump Won’t Say if He’ll Accept Result of Election. The article went on to accuse then-candidate Trump of potentially casting doubt on our democracy. The hoax was in full swing.

The Peaceful Transition of Power?


The Peaceful Transition of Power?

In the October 18th, 2016 presidential debate between then-candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, a question was asked of candidate Donald Trump. If he loses, will he accept the result of the election? Trump answered, “You’ll just have to wait and see.” One wonders if he already knew of the hoax.

Leveling the Playing Field


Leveling the Playing Field

This great society program came out of the white guilt phenomena. There was already affirmative action to some degree in America, however. Under President John F. Kennedy and LBJ administration, this plan was designed to reverse discrimination. It was meant as a temporary means to help level the playing field for American blacks. As of today, over fifty years later, we can see this temporary plan in full effect. Those who benefited the least have been American blacks; just ask Senator Elizabeth Warren, now running for president.

Systematically Alienated From Their Roles as Husbands and Fathers


Systematically Alienated From Their Roles as Husbands and Fathers

In the report, Moynihan documented the greatest threats facing the black families at the time was the rise of single motherhood. At the time it was around twenty-two percent. Today, however, it is at about seventy-seven percent. His report was severely condemned and dismissed by the Civil Rights groups and also the NAACP.

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